Monday, May 26, 2014

COD Advanced Warfare: Too Advanced Maybe?

 The name of the next Call Of Duty should be telling enough .... advanced warfare means war using advanced technology to win. One of the problems with recent Call Of Duties is the unrealistic nature of the technology used in game. Look, I understand that the franchise has grown stale and you can only add so much to a yearly game where you play basically the same game modes with different guns to kill the other team. Why not spice it up a little bit? Sure.... but a 3D printed rifle? Not just any 3D printed rifle either, its a 3D printable rifle that "prints" its own ammunition right there in the guns own chamber. Look, 3D gun printing is real (and illegal ) and we know it can be done, however, magically printing bullets in the chamber of the rifle is a feat which shall never be accomplished no-matter how advanced a society grows. Its simply impossible that a gun could print its own bullets in the very same chamber used to eject them.
 I know this concept is probably exiting to the to a 9 year old wanting to blast a plasma rifle ( and yes there is a plasma rifle in AW ) and slip on a exoskeleton suit. But what about the serious competitive players? Where does this leave the pro competitive gamers in this whole "more advanced every year" scheme of things which leads each new installment of Call Of Duty looking more like Star Wars than a competitive war game on planet Earth.


  1. They have a new make of battlefield 4 coming to ps4 that's supposed to be fixed.

    1. what does that have to do with cod??

    2. Well, it is a viable alternative to Call Of Duty. It might be nice to actually switch it up some and go ham in a chopper.

  2. this is why i stopped playing cod after mw3

  3. 3d printed gun? OK won't be getting this then

    1. It was not my intention to give you that impression although I did go in hard. We should wait until E3 for some further details before we come to any conclusions just yet.
