Saturday, May 31, 2014

Please Stop Making Assassin's Creed Every Year

WARNING : This blog entry contains the ravings of a man who despises Assassin Creed games. All hatred towards the franchise is only of the author himself and his own personal opinions. If you don't like these opinions then please create your own blog and share your own idea's.

 Please Stop Making Assassins Creed Games Every Year.

 I will just be honest here because that is what this blog is about anyway.... independent thinking and views. I am not a fan of the Assassins Creed franchise, as a matter of fact, I hate these games with all of my being. I picked up and played the first Assassins Creed and enjoyed the experience so you cannot just argue that I am a hater. I must admit, it was hardly the best game I ever played nor was it even the most creative, yet, it was good enough to pass the time.
 The first Assassins Creed was a huge hit with gamers and sold a lot of units to say the very least. It was obvious that a new franchise was born with new releases regularly. You see, this is where things go astray. Video game developers, wanting to milk the fans and franchise itself of everything they are worth, decide that popular video game franchises should have "yearly releases" for some reason. It is at this very point when the decision to make a "yearly release" of a franchise that the before mentioned franchise becomes defiled.
 Any good triple A video game developer (or any developer) knows that it takes more than a year to create a solid, polished and lengthy video game. All this yearly franchise model crap does is create an atmosphere of desperation with impossible time schedules and over working of the creative staff which in turn destroys their motivation to create something special instead being forced to create something which meets the giving time frame. All of this adds up eventually to a video game franchise that slowly over the years becomes less, and less of the great game it used to be and more of the game it has had to adapt to be to meet demands of big corporations and their charts.
 Every yearly franchise tries to have their next franchise installment around Christmas so that all the little kid fans will bother their parents and ask for the latest rushed copy of their beloved video game franchise, thus ; ultimately selling more copies. The next step of the franchise defilement process begins when the developers run out of idea's and with little time to deliberate begin to come up with horrible idea's in the hopes to keep the game fresh and not stale. With Assassins Creed this lack of fresh ideas and original content shows in the form of the game moving from one time period to the next, back and forth, so that Pirates (how original) can be thrown in the mix along with bland Revolutionary War setting ......... Revolutionary War? Are you serious? The subject that put almost everyone I ever knew slap asleep in history class as the subject of a triple A video game? Ok, I'm even more disgusted now that I'm banging this out on my keyboard rather violently.
 In the end ..... the original Assassins Creed was a good game. Making the game into a franchise was a great idea because that is what some fans want and I respect the opinions of other gamers and their games. The true problem lays in the fact that these franchises should spread themselves out over a period of every two to three years to assure a unrushed, original and fresh approach to the game franchise.  In my opinion ..... waiting a few years for a new installment is worth it when the game released has the full potential to be so much more polished and full of original top notch content. That's just my two cents.