Friday, May 30, 2014

Free-To-Play Detroying Games And It's Your Fault


 As you can plainly see by reading some of this blog...... I really hate free-to-play games. Why? The answer comes in many forms and the first one is an age old saying of wisdom which hold true today.... Nothing in life is free. Big corporations love the free-to-play model of video games because it makes tons of money.  For a solid example : Candy Crush (FTP) has made more money than all of Nintendo games ever made combined. So, why does free-to-play games net so much money? Simple, they play off of peoples (mostly young) delusions that just maybe they can win without paying. There are some games that offer some free-to-play elements not needed to win, however, this is also harmful as it conditions the public mind for the real trap that is all but consuming good old fashioned video games. You know, the ones you buy to own then play it all you want.
  The free-to-play video game model has been devastating for the everyday gamer who loves ...well, to play video games. We can point the finger all we want at the developers who make these FTP video games, however, its actually the consumers fault for dumping their money into these shams. Its the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who fell into the "free" trap only to spend 6 times as much on a single game as a regular $60 price tag. These FTP games are made to be addictive and hoards of people lined up to purchase this new video game crack. The sounds of gems clanking together with swirling colors had got the best of these people and at the ultimate price of the future of video games.
 The profit margins for successful free-to-play games are so huge that more and more developers are making more of them and dumping more research and development on making these games even more addictive and malicious. Even old fashioned regular games like Call Of Duty are starting to slowly implement free-to-play aspects to their games only to later unleash the FTP flood in which the only way you can win a match is if you invest $250 in the game. Soon, all games will be free-to-play or have some form of free-to-play elements in there, thus; ruining the video game business as we used to know it for the next generation of crazy eyed smart phone wielding zombies holding scratch off cards. All of this because YOU thought that you were clever enough to play a free-to-play game and win without paying. How did that work out for you?

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