Friday, May 30, 2014

Where Is A Solid New Metroid For Wii-U ?

 I remember when the Nintendo Game Cube wasn't doing so well back in the day but as soon as Metroid Prime was released on the Cube on November 17, 2002 I picked one up. Game developers Retro Studios really created something special with Metroid Prime on the Nintendo Game Cube. To this day Metroid Prime is still on of favorite games of all times. Back in 2002 this game was cutting edge with great graphics, masterful gameplay, deep and surprising story and on and on I could go.
 It boggles the mind really how Nintendo with their struggling Wii-U console has yet to release a new Metroid Prime game to the system. Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo and own their consoles handheld and otherwise, yet, it just always feels like a long wait with them to release something. I understand this is mostly because of how much effort and time Nintendo (and their developers) puts in to their games which is why they are always so polished, but, come on Nintendo a new Metroid Prime can save Wii-U or at least pick sales way up.
 Imagine a new Metroid Prime in HD at 60 frames per second on the Wii-U ..... then imagine the possibilities of the touch screen controller on such a game. Now, if Nintendo were to release a new Metroid Prime on the Wii-U I would run right out and buy one today and while I'm there I might as well pick up Zelda Wind Waker HD, 3D Mario Land and Mario Cart 8. See, do you see Nintendo how much money you could make by releasing a game such as Metroid Prime? Hell, even make it a full HD remake with some extras and I'll still buy it and all the games above. Wow, really Nintendo you should call me because I can sell your Wii-U for you since you sure cannot do it.


  1. I would so buy this dude

  2. I wish they would but they wont because they are nintendo and everything is 7 years behind everything else
